Frequently Asked Questions for all services offered by Crezalo

1. What is Crezalo?

Crezalo is a creator monetization platform that allows creators to sell access to premium videos, courses, merchandise, and receive tips from their fans.

2. How does Crezalo work?

Creators can sign up on Crezalo and start creating content. They can then sell access to their content, merchandise, and receive tips from their fans. Crezalo collects payment on behalf of the creators and pays out the entire amount once in 30 days.

3. How do I become a creator on Crezalo?

To become a creator on Crezalo, you must undergo a KYC verification process. This process involves providing us with your personal details and a copy of your government-issued ID. In India, we require your PAN details for KYC verification.

4. What types of content can I sell on Crezalo?

You can sell access to premium videos, courses, and merchandise on Crezalo. We do not allow the sale of any fake or counterfeit products. Additionally, the sale of any illegal items such as drugs, guns, explosives, or other illegal items is strictly prohibited.

5. How do I get paid on Crezalo?

Crezalo collects payment on behalf of the creators and pays out the entire amount once in 30 days. Creators can view their earnings on their Crezalo dashboard.

6. What are the pricing tiers for Creators on Crezalo?

We offer a subscription-based pricing model that includes a free, basic, and premium tier. Creators can choose the pricing tier that suits their needs.

7. How often can I change my pricing plan?

Creators are allowed to change their pricing plan from 1st to 5th of every month. The changes made by the creators will be reflected from the 5th of the same month onwards.

8. What are the fees charged by Crezalo?

We charge a fee on the total transaction amount for each pricing tier: Free, Basic, Premium. Please refer to our pricing section for details.

9. How can I contact Crezalo support?

You can contact Crezalo support by emailing us at Our support team will contact you within 24 hours.